Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"About me"

Deon Sanders
October 5, 2016
“About Me”

                Well as you see at the top, my name is Deon Sanders. If you ever have a hard time remembering my name (which you shouldn’t it’s only four letters) just think of the football player. I am 21 years of age and am the oldest out of 9 kids. (I did not type that happily). I am diagnosed with “Sportsyndrome” I have a football problem! I’m very passionate about it and one day I plan to play on the biggest field of them all. However I have an undercover hobby which is writing stories or poetry-something about word play that interests me. One last little fact about me is that I’m a very fast learner- teach me something once or twice (depending on what is being taught) I can have it down quick. I’m not really that much of a talker, I tend to stay to myself but I can get along with anyone, I’m a people’s person…In a stay to myself type of way. So this is a couple of things about me enjoy your read and remember don’t hate the writer, hate the blog.

1 comment:

  1. i think that it is cool that you wrote about yourself. its cool for people to know who you are we are alike in some ways. i also write poems just telling details of my life in them. maybe one day we can meet up and we can share some of our work with each other cool.
